ACI FMA Education

ACI FMA Education - Globally Acknowledged, Portable, Professional Qualifications

ACI FMA Education Programme

Global wholesale financial markets are dynamic and fast changing and these conditions demand highly qualified people with wide-ranging market skills and knowledge.

ACI's Education Programme provides globally acknowledged, portable, professional qualifications that enhance career prospects, improve job performance and set benchmarks within the industry. ACI FMA communicates regularly with a wide range of national Regulators on the education and training of market participants. ACI FMA also works closely with regulatory bodies in a number of countries to ensure that market standards, ACI FMA examinations and regulatory requirements all find common ground.


Certificates & Diplomas

ACI FMA provides a suite of specialized examinations targeting Foreign Exchange, Fixed Income, Money Markets, Derivatives, Repos, Asset Liability, Risk Management and Conduct for front, middle and back-office staff. All ACI FMA exams are in English and computer based. Training companies and business schools provide classroom training and distance learning materials which help you prepare for your exam. Study packs and trainers are available to help you prepare for your exam. 

ACI certificates & Diploma Links:   

  1. ACI Dealing Certificate - New Version
  2. ACI Diploma - New Version
  3. ACI Operations Certificate - New Version
  4. ACI FX Global Code Certificate
  5. ACI Online FX Global Code Exam

ACI Kuwait is privileged to have some of the best training of ACI examinations within Kuwait.
Check Training and Workshop for the dates and costs of attending ACI training.

For more information visit ACI FMA